You’ve decided to launch your own business resolute in the belief that you’re bringing a much-needed solution to the market. So what's next?
Starting a law firm can feel overwhelming when trying to navigate all the different aspects you need to think about and knowing where to find the support you need, so it’s easy to put it off for another day…year…decade.
For high-achieving professionals working in competitive fields, it’s important to find the best way to preserve your mental resilience.
A staggering 39% of law firm partners state that setting up their own law firm is their current career ambition. It’s a stark statistic when you consider the blood, sweat and tears it takes to make partner in many of today’s firms.
Before I started my business, selling wasn’t even on my radar. The ‘s’ word doesn’t really exist in the legal industry – it’s all about “BD” – and, even then, no-one actually teaches you how to do it. There’s a lot of talk about networking and pitching, but the concept of ‘sales’ in a law firm is pretty alien.